Welcome to H and B Consultant our Quality Assurance Services.

At H and B Consultant, we strive to deliver exceptional service and support. Our team is committed to monitoring and enhancing the quality of interactions to ensure that every customer experience is positive and effective. We believe in continuous improvement and value your feedback as we work to meet and exceed your expectations. Thank you for trusting us with your needs!

Quality assurance is a crucial aspect of any business. It ensures that products and services meet the highest standards and that customers are satisfied with their experience. Our company takes quality assurance seriously and strives to exceed expectations in everything we do. Trust us to deliver the best possible results for your business.

Why You Need Call Center Quality Assurance

Quality assurance is important in call centers as it ensures that your business is providing a consistent customer experience.  Achieving high customer service QA has many benefits, such as enhancing your company's brand image and increasing revenue and profitability.

Our primary goal is to improve customer experience, We will utilize a customer service QA method that will help agents improve in their customer service skills with training and couching them in: Examples include call flow, scripts, and soft skills. 

What are Soft Skills

A call center soft skill is an interpersonal behavior or characteristic that helps customer service agents interact. In customer service, soft skills are about connecting with, understanding, and genuinely engaging with the person on the other end of the line, email, direct message, or chat box.


This helps callers by helping agents to be respectful when asking questions and listening to customer concerns. Thanks to these emotional skills, call center agents build rapport with customers and interact well with them. Below are some of the Soft Skills.



 Greeting is to ask for the customer’s name. Answering the phone or a live chat with a cheerful greeting and addressing the customer by name sets the tone for the rest of the conversation

Tone and Language

Mirroring is a technique that works well in agent-customer interactions, conversation, gestures, expressions, posture. Vocal pitch or tone can reflect rapport or a desire to please. Taking on a customer’s tone and vocabulary can help an agent build trust with the customer.


Patience in a call center environment boils down to allowing customers the time they need to explain their concerns and engage in active listening and assistance along the way. This skill truly shows its worth when it comes to dealing with particularly upset or confused customers. A patient representative who takes the time to work with them on their concerns during the customer interaction will leave a lasting impression. On the other hand, a call center agent who fails to do so could turn the individual away from the company.



Empathy is one of the most sought-after soft skills in the workplace because it is an essential factor in human interaction and achieving well-being. Empathy is the ability to emotionally understand what other people feel, see things from their point of view, and imagine yourself in their place. Essentially, it is putting yourself in someone else's position and feeling what they are feeling.

             Active Listening

Active listening is a communication technique that involves giving your full attention to the customer, understanding their needs, and responding appropriately. Active listening involves fully concentrating, understanding, responding, and then remembering what is being said in a conversation.


Communication skill

An important call center communication skill is to ask appropriate questions to get the information needed to resolve the issue. Always ask questions that lead to clarity as quickly as possible.


 Closing a customer service call, it's important to leave the customer feeling satisfied and valued. Call-closing statements are essential parts of professional phone conversations. These phrases can offer a polite way to end a call on a positive note.


​​How to improve

​​​Improving performance management and training best practices in the call center is key to keeping your customers happy.  Your agent training should always include active listening. This could mean teaching the agents techniques such as repeating what the customer has said to make sure the agent understands and asking questions that elicit long answers so the agent can collect as many details as possible about the customer’s problem. Customers rely only on those organizations where they get a quicker solution to their problems and get to interact with skilled agents. Let Us improve your customer satisfaction. 


Monitoring call with feed back


Training New Employees